Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am starting to slack off a little and I have been feeling it in my feet. I wake up with super sore feet especially my right foot. This is the foot that has been giving me trouble for years. I would say that I have not been working out as much these past two weeks. A lot of it has to do with my work. I am finishing up a job and have been busy for a few hours during the day and then every night for a few more hours. I just have not had the time to work out. I also think I need to cut out the chocolate I have been eating. I am sure its not helping so I will try it and see. Brian wondered where in heck the dark chocolate covered berries were and I told him I had to hide them on myself. He thought I was so weird but If they are in the pantry right where I expect them I will always grab a handful when i go in there. Hope giving up my chocolate helps my poor achy feet!

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