Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Elf on the Shelf

Leah has been on her best behavior since the elf came to visit. She hasn't had any real big fits in a while and doesn't have trouble getting ready for school in the mornings. Thanks Santa!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Leah's friend from preschool had a party this weekend and the girls were so excited to go. The kids bobbed for apples, played pin the nose on the pumpkin and Halloween bingo. They had a great time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

back trouble

I am finally getting back to normal with my back. I was laid up last Monday with a pinched nerve. I have also had a pulled muscle for over a month that just would not go away. I was always nervous to go to the chiropractor but finally gave in and went. He scared me a lot and told me that I have spinal sublixation and a twisted spine. But I really dint feel comfortable going to him and having him treat me. I found a new family doctor, he adjusted me and I started feeling better right away. After a week now I am almost back to normal. Next week I am going to start exercising again. I have missed it.


It was such a beautiful fall night so the girls and I decided to head to Erwins orchard for some donuts and play time!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Summer photo shoot

A few pictures from our summer photoshoot.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Vacation

We are having fun in Traverse City with our friends Justin and Stephanie. We are celebrating our 10th and their 5th anniversaries.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The pool

They girls have been having such a good summer with friends at the pool.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Greenfield village

We went with some friends to Greenfield Village yesterday. it was a beautiful day out. We got to ride in a model T, we rode the carousel and visited some old slave houses and Edison's workshop.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Block party

We had our 4th annual block party last Friday with the neighbors. The kids did sparklers, snaps and smoke bombs. They rode bikes, ran around and had a great time with their friends.

The Livonia Spree

The girls had a great time at the spree. They rode almost every ride and went on the Funhouses many times. Sadie went a lot of the adult rides this year and she was not afraid of any of them. Can't wait next year.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am starting to slack off a little and I have been feeling it in my feet. I wake up with super sore feet especially my right foot. This is the foot that has been giving me trouble for years. I would say that I have not been working out as much these past two weeks. A lot of it has to do with my work. I am finishing up a job and have been busy for a few hours during the day and then every night for a few more hours. I just have not had the time to work out. I also think I need to cut out the chocolate I have been eating. I am sure its not helping so I will try it and see. Brian wondered where in heck the dark chocolate covered berries were and I told him I had to hide them on myself. He thought I was so weird but If they are in the pantry right where I expect them I will always grab a handful when i go in there. Hope giving up my chocolate helps my poor achy feet!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

feeling awesome

I am finally feeling 100% with my health, no swollen joints or pain at all. I have cut out pop for six months now. I still cant believe it. Also the past few months I have been really strict with my diet. It has been helping tremendously! I am working out a lot, running and doing yoga. They all seem to be helping. I try not to eat any sugar, white products, meat or processed foods. It has been tough but such a good thing for my body and for my family too!

4th Birthday Party

Leah has a great birthday this year. She got two parties! Her neighbor friends came over Friday night. They ate popsicles played on the bounce house and then had cake and ice cream. She got some great gifts too!
Saturday night was her family party. She got to play on the bounce house again with her sister and cousins. She got another cake and more awesome gifts.