Tuesday, August 17, 2010

she will be missed

Yesterday was one of the saddest days i have ever had. It was hard but we had to finally make the decision to put Bow down. The night before she didnt even get up to use the kitty litter. She was just laying on the carpet and peed. So we knew then it was time.
I knew i wouldn't be able to handle taking her to the vet with the girls so my mom volunteered to do it. We made our appointment in the morning so we knew we had all day to spend with her. We took lots of pictures and video. We let her go outside a lot and then had to say good bye. We gave her kisses and told her we loved her.
Sadie and I made a list of all the things we will miss about Bow for a scrapbook mom is going to make. Sadie drew a picture of Bow and our family.
Today i have been going through all of the pictures we have of Bow. Wow there are a lot. I dont think i got them all but she always seemed to sneak in a lot of pictures especially on Christmas and Easter.

Sadie and Bow

Bow was a real good jumper when she was a kitten

We love you Bow !!!!!!

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