Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Went to my natropath doctor last week because i found out that i could get a blood test that i have wanting for a while now. It is a food sensitivity test that will tell me what foods are affecting my health and if I stay away from them than hopefully I can eventually get off medication. It is unbelievable how foods affect your health, from allergies to rheumatoid arthritis there are certain foods cause inflamation in the body. I will find out the results in two weeks. I am very excited and nervous to find out which food i will need to avoid or cut back on. I hope the list is small but I am afraid it wont be. Trying to eat healthy has been such a challenge for me. And certain food you thought were healthy like corn and grains just aren't.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

she will be missed

Yesterday was one of the saddest days i have ever had. It was hard but we had to finally make the decision to put Bow down. The night before she didnt even get up to use the kitty litter. She was just laying on the carpet and peed. So we knew then it was time.
I knew i wouldn't be able to handle taking her to the vet with the girls so my mom volunteered to do it. We made our appointment in the morning so we knew we had all day to spend with her. We took lots of pictures and video. We let her go outside a lot and then had to say good bye. We gave her kisses and told her we loved her.
Sadie and I made a list of all the things we will miss about Bow for a scrapbook mom is going to make. Sadie drew a picture of Bow and our family.
Today i have been going through all of the pictures we have of Bow. Wow there are a lot. I dont think i got them all but she always seemed to sneak in a lot of pictures especially on Christmas and Easter.

Sadie and Bow

Bow was a real good jumper when she was a kitten

We love you Bow !!!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

fun weekend

We woke up this past Saturday morning and went to Michigan Adventure. It was a fun time but very busy. Sadie got to ride on a few rollercoasters and we all went on the big ferris wheel together. Sadie had a great time swimming in the wave pool and she got to go down the kiddie waterslides. Leah went on her first rides ever...she rode the boat ride with mommy and then the elephant ride with Sadie. She kept calling it Dumbo! Sadie had a great time on that ride too. She didn't realize that she had control of it going up and down and when mommy shouted to her to move the handle she was suprised and then loved it!

We left the park a bit early and headed over to lake Michigan for some more fun. The girls had a great time playing in the sand and the waves. On Sunday morning we did the same thing except we drove up to Ludington, played in the sand there and then went for a walk on the pier to the lighthouse. Sadie and Brian got to go up in the lighthouse together while Leah stayed back with mommy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I started to notice in the past few days that the pain in my fingers are starting to slowly go away. Last night when i put my lotion on my hands i noticed that my fingers were not painful. I am so glad something finally is working for me. I was starting to get hopeless especially because i have a follow up appointment next week and did not want to go there with this medication not working either.
So lets just hope my swelling in my toes goes away. I think they have been swollen for over two years now :(

Monday, August 2, 2010

fun weekend

What a wonderful weekend we had with some old friends. Brian's long time friend/neighbor Scott and his wife Jodi came out to the lake on Sunday. They brought their boat with them so we were able to bring our wakeboard and go wakeboarding. Thanks guys for a wonderful time we all had a great time!