Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We had a great and very busy 4th of July weekend. It started Friday with our 4th annual Cottage Lane BBQ with our wonderful neighbors. Saturday we swam in the pool and hung out with some of our neighbors again. Sunday we went swimming at the pool and in the evening we went to Grandpa and Pudda's lake to swim, boat and watch fireworks. The kids had a great time swimming and riding on the tube. Leah even went on the tube with my parents, but she didnt like it too much. Maybe next time she can ride with mommy!
Monday we went to lake Lansing with their other grandma and grandpa Mueller. It was a very nice lake and beach. Leah played in the sand the whole time while Lexy and Sadie swam and ran up to the consession stand for goodies all day!

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