Friday, July 30, 2010

sad :(

we have known for sometime that our cat had something going on but didnt know what. She was peeing all over in the basement around the kitty litter but didnt know that she was dying. We took her to the vet yesterday and she has lost five pounds over the past year and she has kidney failure. She has not been eating much for the past two weeks and if you know Bow you know she like to eat. She has an automatic feeder and she is ALWAYS digging for more food. So you know something is wrong when she doesn't want to eat. It is so sad and she will be missed. Now we just have to wait until she starts to get worse and decide when we want to put her to sleep. I told Sadie we can have a party for Bow tomorrow and celebrate her! She wants to make cupcakes :)

Bow is spelled Bow because she is a girl and I wanted it to be like a Bow on a present. Brian always spells it Bo.

Bow is named after Beaumont Hospital. That is where i was working when i got her. I was working in the construction trailers builing the south hospital addition back in 2003. A guy that i worked with brought three kittens in to give away for his son. They were the cutest things. I brought Bow home for the weekend and couldn't bare to take her back. She was so cute and Brian even liked her too!

Here is a picture of Bow as a kitten

Monday, July 26, 2010

kensington again.....

well this would be our fifth or sixth visit to Kensington this year. They love it and its FREE!
It is such a great place for the kids to run around and see the animals.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Friday morning Sadie graduated from Safety Town. It was a week long of classes focusing on Safety. Water and electrical safety was on Monday. Bus safety was on Tuesday with her first ride on a school bus. Wednesday was fire safety. Thursday was stranger danger and how to call 911. And Friday was bike and pedistrian safety. She really loved going to safety town mostly to see and play with her friends. She seemed to learn a lot and I now feel more safe knowing she has been through it.

Friday night her old friend from daycare Crystal came over to spend the night. They had a blast! First they went swimming in the big pool. Then we came home and swam in the little pool in the backyard and on the swingset. Then we went for a walk to the pond and feed the fish. They loved watching the fish jump for the bread.

more medication

well the medication the rheumatologist gave me two months ago has not been helping. According to him things have been getting worse. I guess i have more swollen joints than last time i was there. So he put me on another medication called Methotrexate. I will have to give myself weekly injections (shots) in the stomach. Brian will have to do it at first. I can not handle this whole idea. It had me in tears at my instruction visit. They showed me how to fill up the seringe and how to pinch the skin to give the shot and i couldn't and wouln't do it. I hate needles and always have. Brian does not mind doing it for me. This will be our first try on Thursday, hope it goes ok. I just hope this medication works for me. I should start noticing results within a few weeks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We had a great and very busy 4th of July weekend. It started Friday with our 4th annual Cottage Lane BBQ with our wonderful neighbors. Saturday we swam in the pool and hung out with some of our neighbors again. Sunday we went swimming at the pool and in the evening we went to Grandpa and Pudda's lake to swim, boat and watch fireworks. The kids had a great time swimming and riding on the tube. Leah even went on the tube with my parents, but she didnt like it too much. Maybe next time she can ride with mommy!
Monday we went to lake Lansing with their other grandma and grandpa Mueller. It was a very nice lake and beach. Leah played in the sand the whole time while Lexy and Sadie swam and ran up to the consession stand for goodies all day!