Thursday, April 26, 2012

two weeks

Well it has been two long and stressful weeks of eating right but I am about 95% pain free. Eating right to me is a lot of fruit, veggies, wheat and a little bit of dark chocolate and ginger cookies for sweets. I have been off medication for over a year now and I started feeling some swelling in my hands over the past month. I decided to give it a try and really see if avoiding these foods would improve my pain and it has. Along with upping my fish oil and adding in Zyflammend for inflammation I am starting to feel better. I keep wondering how long I can do this. Its tough everyday to eat the same things so I am trying some new recipes and adding in some anti inflammatory spices to my food.
After a while I will slowly start to introduce foods back into my diet and see how i feel. Right now the things I have been avoiding are: dairy, corn, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, red meat and of course white bread, white pasta and my favorite, pizza.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1st Tiger Game

Leah's 1st Tiger game. 
She had a great time riding the carousel, the ferris wheel, cracking open shelled peanuts and watching a little baseball!

Sharing bag

Tuesday was Leah's day to bring in the sharing bag to preschool. She was so excited all weekend deciding what she would put in the bag. I knew all along who she was going to bring. Everyday she would wake up and ask if she was going to school yet. The day finally came and she had the best time at school and really enjoyed watching her friends play and pass Giraffey around the room!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Birthday Party

Sadie chose to have her friend birthday party at the puppy store this year. She got to invite four friends from school. They played with the puppies, made stuffed animals, had pizza and cake.

April 5th

Sadie had a wonderful 7th birthday. Mommy took her to get her hair cut and ears pierced at Sweet and Sassy then we went to lunch at McDonald's with her Grandma and Aunt Michelle. That evening she chose to eat dinner at Coney Island. She got her favorite, pancakes with a ice cream sundae. After dinner her good friends and neighbors Drew and Evan came over for some cake and ice cream.

Birthday at School

Sadie got to celebrate her birthday at school on their last day of school before spring break. They also had a green eggs and ham breakfast that day. It was to celebrate March is reading month and Dr. Seuss' birthday. Mommy made rice krispie treats with chocolate and sprinkles for her to share with the class.