Friday, April 8, 2011

6th Birthday

Sadie turned 6 on Tuesday. I still can't believe that she is six already. Leah was very excited for Sadie to wake up on her bithday, she had a card and her gift ready for her. She got Sadie a stuffed animal cat, Leah calls it Bow. Sadie loved it and they have been fighting it over it since she opened it. I took Sadie to the mall to Build a Bear for her birthday. She picked out a cute bear to go along with the bear she already had. She had fun stuffing it, putting a heart in it and then picking out its clothes and of course naming it. Her name is Callie. In the evening we went to IHop for dinner. Sadie got French Toast and Leah got Pancakes and eggs. It was fun and Sadie got a giant sundae for desert! Sadie wanted to hurry home to open more presents and eat cake.

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