Wednesday, March 16, 2011

florida II

Our second part of our Florida trip we spent at my parents condo in Ft. Pierce. It is on the Atlantic side just south of Vero Beach. We were about two miles from the ocean.
The girls loved to swim in the pool all day and go to the park in the evenings. One day we spent the day at the beach. Leah loved the sand and Sadie met a friend and played in the waves.
My favorite thing we did in Florida was going to Florida's Oceanographic Center we got to pet and feed stingrays, the girls touch some sea urchins and star fish and we saw some sharks and sea turtles.
Brian and I got to realx, we got to go out to dinner alone, we both worked out in the gym at my parents condo, and we took my parents bikes for rides to the ocean. It was a great break from the kids. Thanks mom and dad:)

The girls loved playing at the Ladybug Park

We always have a good time eating and hanging out at the biker bar "Archie's"

Swimming had to be their favorite thing to do in Florida.

Here is Leah petting the stingray's. Everytime one would come by she would try so hard to reach out to touch it, she got so soaked but loved every minute of it. It took Sadie over an hour to decide if she wanted to pet one. She finally did it after i told her she could tell her teacher and her class that she pet and fed stingray's.
Here is proof that Sadie did her homework and read almost everyday in Florida.

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