Monday, September 13, 2010

first ride

We went on our first family bike ride with Sadie riding her own bike. She used to love riding in the bike trailer with Leah but now she loves to ride her own bike. She just learned to ride her bike without training wheels two weeks ago and is doing great!
Sunday morning we packed up the bikes and trailer in the van and headed to Island Lake State Park. We were not sure how long Sadie would last so I told Brian we shouldn't go to far in case she gets tired. Well we were having such a good time we didnt realize how far we rode. We ended up riding to Island lake to watch the remote control airplanes fly over the lake. Afterwards Brian asked Sadie if she wanted to ride back or if she wanted him to go and get the car she said she wanted to ride back. So in the end it was seven, yeah seven miles. She loved it. Hopefully we can make this a regular thing this fall.

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