Monday, September 27, 2010


We decided to bring out the halloween decoratoins in the house this weekend. The girls had such a great time digging though the bin. Their favorites were the little spiders and flies. They played with them for hours! Sadie put on her costume and played with the black cat and the black spiders and pretended they were in her witch house with her.
After Sadie got off the bus today we decided to put up the Halloween decorations outside. Drew was over so they all helped put up the ghosts, spiders and spiderwebs outside. They said it was creepy and spooky. Sadie is soooooooo excited for Halloween, she is going to be a pretty witch and Leah will be a pink poodle.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

cider mill

Saturday morning we waited for the rain to stop and then headed to the cider mill to meet up with my parents and sister. The girls had a lot of fun. They feed the animals, rode tricycles and played in the corn. Sadie's favorite part was riding the zip line and Leah's was playing in the corn box. Afterwards we all had some delicious cider and donuts!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

the bus

Sadie loves to ride the bus with her good friend Drew. She also has other friends from our street that she gets to ride with. It is a fun time at the bus stop and probably on the bus too!
I didn't think I was going to get emotional at all with Sadie going to school. I was good on her first day and fine when i dropped her off on her second day but as soon as i saw the bus coming down the street i lost it. She is such a big girl now riding the bus and going to kindergarten. She has meet a few new friends already and is so excited to go to school everyday.

Monday, September 13, 2010

first ride

We went on our first family bike ride with Sadie riding her own bike. She used to love riding in the bike trailer with Leah but now she loves to ride her own bike. She just learned to ride her bike without training wheels two weeks ago and is doing great!
Sunday morning we packed up the bikes and trailer in the van and headed to Island Lake State Park. We were not sure how long Sadie would last so I told Brian we shouldn't go to far in case she gets tired. Well we were having such a good time we didnt realize how far we rode. We ended up riding to Island lake to watch the remote control airplanes fly over the lake. Afterwards Brian asked Sadie if she wanted to ride back or if she wanted him to go and get the car she said she wanted to ride back. So in the end it was seven, yeah seven miles. She loved it. Hopefully we can make this a regular thing this fall.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Kindergarden

Sadie was so excited for her first day of kindergarden. She had her favorite outfit picked out and her backpack ready. Grandma came over to watch Leah because mommy got to go with Sadie on her first day. All of her friends were there and they got to play together. She is excited to go on the bus tomorrow with her friend Drew.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Last weekend we took the girls camping for the first time. We went to Ludington state park. It was a lot of fun but also a lot of work. We went for walks on the nature trails right by our campsite, we had bonfires each night and we went swimming and played in the sand at Lake Michigan.