Friday, May 7, 2010

one week

Well I have been on my medication for one week now. I dont feel any relief i actually feel worse. I did read that it was a symptom to feel worse before feeling better. I was also feeling dizzy so i reduced the pill to one a day instead of two, it seems to be helping a lot. But now i am sick and that is not helping. Sadie and I have been sick since Wednesday. We thought we were better yesterday so we did a few things, one of them was to get her teachers flowers at Lowes. She picked out geraniums. On our way home we passed her elementary school so i let the girls play on the playground. The door were open to the school so we went in and took a little tour. Sadie got to see her future kindergarden room. She loved it! On the playground she wasn't feeling to good so we went home to rest. That night she threw up again a few times. I think we just did to much and maybe ate too much too. Today we are resting ALL day long hoping to feel better tomorrow and for sure by Mother's Day.

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