Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So i thought i would write a few things down because i am feeling hopeless lately. I just found out that my best friend from when i was little has RA also. I can't believe it. She said she had the exact same things going on with her body as i am right now. She has been on medication for over eight years and feels great. I don't want to go on medication because of the side effects it could have later in life and i really dont want to be giving myself shots. I could never do that. But there are time like now when i feel so hopeless and wonder how i would feel being on some type of medication.
I was feeling so great for over a year and then within the past two/three months i am feeling the pain again. Mostly in my fingers and feet. I do yoga and weight daily which help a lot to ease the pain and stiffness but it usually takes three to four hours each morning before i feel ok.

The diet thing has not been working to well and i really dont feel like it helps that much. I do my best but i know that is not good enough. If i could just give up that pop a day and the occasional quesadillas i might feel better but i really dont think so.
I am going to try again to up the supplements i am on hoping i feel some relief but i know it could take some time, maybe a month or two.
Thanks god for my cousin Jennifer who is a naturopath out in Portland Oregon for all of the great advice. I could never afford to go to my own naturopath. And thank god for my family and friends who put up with my complaining and for the wonderful advice they give me.
This has been a hard road but i know that i will have to deal with it for the rest of my life. Lets hope i can find something that works for me.

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