Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Up North

We took our family trip to Boyne this year. It was a much needed break for us. We went for two nights and stayed at the Boyne Mountain Run Condos. The condo was great and very spacious for kids. We cooked some of our own food and the kids had room to play and watch their own dvd's. We went to Avalanche Bay waterpark on Monday night and all day Tuesday. Sadie never wanted to leave. She went on every single waterslide and even tried surfing or boogie boarding. She was very brave. She went on the smaller waterslides over and over and over all by herself and NEVER wanted to leave. Leah even loved the waterslides with mommy too. She kept signing and saying more whenever we got off the slide.
Can't wait to go back!

"See the slide i just went on mom, it was the dark tunnel slide"

Getting ready for one of her many trips down the waterslide. I was suprised i could get her to stop for just one second!
Leah relaxing watching Blues Clues

Here is Sadie on the boogie board. She did Awesome! A lot better than I did. I wiped out so bad they had to shut the thing down on me because i thought i was drowning. It was crazy.

and here is Brian wiping out when he tried to surf

Here is Sadie screaming down the waterslide. You knew when she was coming down because she screamed the whole way, every time!

We stopped by Frankenmuth on our way home Tuesday. We went to the candy store for Sadie and then to Bronner's.

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