Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a big deal at school this year. Sadie's class was having a pancake breakfast for the kids and then they were passing out Valentines. Leah's party was the same day and her preschool is at the same school as Sadie's. It was great. I was able to run back and forth and be there for both of their parties. Leah got to decorate cookies,sort candy hearts and pass out Valentine's. Sadie said it was one of the funnest holidays at school so far!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This is what the girls have been addicted to lately!

sledding while you can...

We got some snow over the weekend so we went sledding twice on Sunday. The snow was melted by Tuesday morning.
It was so much fun. We went on the hills right out in the front of our sub. Leah did great this year. She was able to pull the sled up the hill on her own and go down all by herself!