Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Having a great time at the pool this summer. It would be nice if the pool was heated but it does feel really nice on the hot summer days we have been getting lately.

Happy summertime!

Sadie with Aunt Michelle have a good time swimming together!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tiger Game

We all had a real good time at the Tiger game yesterday. They lost but we still had a real good time. It was kids day so Sadie got to ride the ferris wheel, meet Paws and she got to run the bases. After the game we went out for Mexican at Mexican Village, our favorite place to go when we go downtown.

school picnic

Sadie went on her last field trip as a kindergartner last week. They went to the park in South Lyon for a picnic. They got to do a relay race, play chalk, bubbles, sit in a fire truck and squirt the fire hose. Her favorite part was just running around and playing with her friends.

The relay race.

Matching flowers on their faces.

Sadie and her good friend Sam showing off thier butterflies they just made.
Sadie and Ellen

Inside the fire truck

1st tooth gone

Sadie finally lost her tooth. It was super loose for over a week and she was being whimpy about it so Brian told her he was going to pull it out on Friday and he did. She was very happy after all of her crying was over and was glad to be able to finally put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy to take.

She was very excited to wake up in the morning and see some money under her pillow. She also loved seeing the fairy or pixy dust that the tooth fairy had left behind. it was a trail from her window to the bed.

Leah had a great 3rd birthday and party. She woke up in the morning and opened presents from Sadie, mom and dad.

In the afternoon everyone came over for her birthday party. she got a bike, play-doh, outdoor toys and games. We had Mickey Mouse cake that mommy made and a Mickey Mouse pinata.