Monday, February 28, 2011


I can get in at least one more workout before we leave for Florida. I have been taking boot camp and kickboxing at the gym i belong to. I have also been working out at home but its not the same hour long non-stop routine that I love and need.
Brian has been working out a lot lately too. Its nice that we are both trying to get healthy and look better at the same time. His blood pressure and cholesteral were slightly elevated so he wants to get that down and feel better too.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sadie had a Valentine's party in her kindergarten class. Leah and I went to help out and enjoy the day with her. Leah loves it at Sadie's school. I go there every few weeks to help out and Leah has been coming with me and she never wants to leave. She loves to play in the pretend kitchen and fill all of the cups up with water in the small sink they have.
Sadie passed out her valentine's and then had centers where they got to sort and count candy hearts, make valentine's cards, measure how many hearts tall they are, and make heart characters. Then they had punch and rice krispie treats made by mom.
She had so much fun with all her her school friends!

Monday, February 14, 2011

fun weekend

Another fun weekend in February! We went to play with friends, baked a yummy Valentine's cake, and went to see Sesame Street Live.
The girls loved Sesame Street. It was at the Fox theatre and we sat in a suite. Sadie was all prepared and brought her Elmo and one for Leah (Leah could of cared less) And she danced him the whole time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We went bowling over the weekend with Brian's friends and their kids. Sadie wanted to hang out with the bigger kids while Leah wanted to bowl over and over again. They both loved it but Leah wanted more and more. Everytime she was done she said "I want to go again" and laughed!

Here is a short video of them bowling :)