Saturday, November 27, 2010


I baked some pumpkin bread and sugar cookies for Thanksgiving this year. Sadie helped me frost and decorate the cookies. We always have a great time. Lots of shapes, colors and sprinkles. Love the holidays!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

much needed weekend

Had an awesome time up north with the ladies last weekend. It was my second year going with them and it was another great time. We went to my friend Pam's moms house at Shanty Creek. We got up there Friday afternoon, unpacked our things scrapbooked a little and then went out to dinner at a little bar in Belaire. After dinner we went back to the house and scrapped like crazy for the rest of the weekend. I was able to complets 54 pages, which was about a whole years worth of pictures. Last year I did 40 pages so I beat my record, lets hope I can do more next year. I was prepared and had everything ready and coordinated before I went up.
Thanks ladies!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sadie and Leah loved their Halloween costumes. Leah was proud to tell everyone she was going to dress up as a pink doggy and Sadie was a pretty witch.