Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my birthday

I had a great birthday this year. It started with my mom coming over to watch the girls so i could go to my 9am yoga class. Yoga is great, i love it and it helps me so much with my arthritis.
My sister came over and we took Sadie to see Toy Story 3 in 3D at the Emagine theatre in Novi. The movie was awesome. It had us all laughing out loud. Sometimes Sadie laughed really loud but it didnt matter because there were only about four other families in the theatre.
In the evening my mom took Sadie and Leah home and I meet Brian in Ann Arbor at The Real Seafood Co. for dinner. It was great. I got a filet minion and Brian got surf & turf. Then we came home and watched Toy Story 2 on dvd.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

fathers day

Leah stayed the night at my parents on Saturday. Sunday morning Sadie and I hung out. We went swimming and then shopping before we went to pick Leah up. It was nice to spent time with just her.
We ate shish kabobs at my parents and then went to Brian's dads lake lot to swim, ride on the pontoon and fish. The girls had a great time fishing. Leah wanted to keep her fish in a pail so she could watch it swim. she tried to carry that pail around to show everyone but kept dumping it. Then later we noticed that the fish flipped out and was flopping around on the grass. Uncle Kyle rescued it.

Leah and Suzi

The only picture i got on Father's day with Brian and Leah. She did not want her picture taken!

Sadie, Grandpa Gierlack and baby Alyssa

Monday, June 14, 2010


Went with our neighbors to the Kensington fireworks on Saturday night and had a great time. The kids got to run around and play at the park and then watch the fireworks. Sadie loved them. She is still talking about them and can't wait to see them again on the 4th of July.

This is how Leah eats cookies. Frosting only!
Why won't she just eat the cookie too.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

nothing exciting

No pictures to post this week because it was a tough two weeks with Leah being sick last week, her two year molars coming in and major temper tantrums. I am hoping these temper tantrums will end quickly becuase it is very frustrating. She throws herself down on the ground and cries for a long time. She only wants mommy and will not let me do anything without wanting uppy!
I started a monthly membership to a gym in town so i will be taking a lot of exercise classes for the next month. So far i have done Pilates, Kettleball, Bosu and Yoga. They are all great and so different.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leah had a great 2nd birthday. It was on a Friday which was also Sadie's last day of school. She had a picnic at the park in South Lyon. She had blast with all of her school friends. That night we went swimming in the big pool, opened presents and ate her Blue's Clues cake. Satuday was her party and she was a little fussy. This is just the beginning of her temper tantrums and her two year molars coming in.