Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Blast February 2010

We decided to head to downtown Detroit to check out the winter blast on Saturday morning. Sadie and Brian got to ice skate for free. She did real well and didn't complain a bit. Then we saw the carnival rides and it was all over. We paid for one ride and then some real nice lady gave us passes to get free armbands. So we headed into the Compuware building where we got free hot chocolate and fruit then the girls got their armbands and we headed back outside to ride the rides. They had a great time, especially Sadie. She rode all of the rides and her favorite was the rollercoaster. Her expresssion in the picture is priceless!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Fun

What is there to do in the winter in Michigan. Not much. So we have been swimming at the high school on the weekends. Sadie is a fish and so am I so we have a lot of fun. Sadie is starting to become a real good swimmer. Today she took off her arm floaties and was swimming to me from the wall.

Here are a few other pictures that I recently took.

Here is Leah wearing moms Pistons sweatshirt. Sadie said that she looked like E.T. in it!

Here is a cute one of Sadie after the pool when her hair is nice and curly! Dressed up in one of her summer dresses with her sandals on. Boy does she love dresses!