Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Great memories from 2009

I found a bunch of pictures from thoughout the year. There were so many great memories I had to share them all. What a great year.
We went to Florida last March and made a trip to Disney World too! It was great, we got good weather and had a blast. Sadie was over 40" so she got to ride the big roller coaster and they both got to meet Mickey and Minnie.
Sadie had fun jumping the waves in the ocean.
The park in Florida was one of their favorite spots.

Sadie's 4th Birthday was a Backyardigan party. Her favorite show and characters!

Leah's 1st Birthday. She loved the cake!

Sadie got her first bike this year. She got frustrated a lot but i think it was because the training wheels are a bit wobbily and our street is not very flat. She hated to ride uphill :(
She will be a lot better this year.

We took Sadie to a Tiger game and they won! Yeah! She got to see her favorite Tiger, Maglio. She had fun on the carousel but wanted to leave after the four inning. She was fine if she had a ton of snacks.

Our wonderful neighbors in order: Drew, Emily, Sadie, Evan, Brady and Leah.

Here is one of three kittens that were living under our patio steps this summer. The mom cat is wild and had her kittens there. We found great homes for the kittens but were sad to see them go. Sadie's friend Emily came over all of the time to play with them. And the mom cat is now fixed and still living in our neighborhood.

Their faces say enough! They love the pool, especially Sadie. She never wanted to get out. And she is so proud to say that she doesnt even have to use arm floaties anymore! Cant wait until next pool season.

We went to the spray park in Plymouth and they had a great time in the water and in the sand.

Went to the spray park at Kensington with our cousins Geo and Juliano this summer. Sadie had fun running around and they boys had fun on the waterslide.

These are Sadie's great friends from daycare; Tyler and Trevor. They are her buddies. They had a great time at the Livonia spree. Rode tons of rides and will be back next year for sure!

We love to take rides on Grandpa and Pudda's pontoon boat. It is always a good time!

Leah has always loved the boat too! Ever since she was tiny and colicky the boat made her very calm. Now she is all over the place and tries to throw everything off the boat.

This was Leah's first trip up north to the Vanbonn's cabin. She was a bit fussy at the cabin, always wanting mommy but when we got her out to the sand dunes and lake Michigan she did great. She loved the water and so did Sadie of course. It was a bit cold but they didn't mind.

The Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes were awesome like ususal. It was hard walking up but running down was great.

Fourth of July was great. We all spent the day and Grandpa and Pudda Gierlack's lake lot. We fished, swam and watced fireworks at night.

Sadie's first day of preschool! She was so excited and she loves school and her friends so much.

Sadie's first fieldtrip with her preschool was to Erwin's cider mill. It was a very bad day for it but we still had fun. She got to sit by her really good friend Collin on the way to pick apples. And he even held his unbrella for her to sit under. They got to pick a pumpkin, pick apples and then eat dounuts and cider.

This is Chomps. Sadie was so excited when she got to take him home from school for the weekend. She had to write down what they did together and draw a picture of her and Chomps.

What fun they had jumping in the leaves this fall.

Carving Pumpkins

Halloween. Sadie was Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and Leah was an indian princess. Her cousin Lexy was a queen. They went trick or treating at the mall, the fire station and in our neighborhood. Then we had a Halloween party at our clubhouse after trick or treating.

Sadie the ballerina. She had her first ballet class and she loved it. Here she is in her tutu!

The day before Christmas break Sadie got to wear her pj's to school and they watched the Polar Express and drink hot cocoa. She said they lined the chairs up like they were on a train.

Decorating sugar cookies with our neighbors.

Here's to more great memories in 2010!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Sadie and Leah had a great time playing in the snow and sledding on New Year's Eve. They are so cute together when Sadie isn't pushing her down in the snow.
We still need to get out there and build Leah her first snowman but right now it is way to cold out!
Welcome 2010!

Christmas 2009

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas. It was great. Sadie and Leah got everything that they wanted. We spent it with all of our family and had a great time. They love all of their gifts! Now they get to play, play, play!

Sadie's new dollhouse

Leah loves elephants and love to make elephant noises too!

Sadie and Leah with cousin Lexy

Sadie and Leah with Uncle Tom and Aunt Michelle
Their new playhouse. Thanks Grandma Mueller. They love it!